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Westermarck Effect

Westermarck Effect

Sally gave her son Sam up for adoption 20 years ago and when they reunite, they fall passionately in love with devastating consequences.

Based on a real phenomenon called "genetic sexual attraction", which can happen when relatives that have been separated for decades meet each other again. Sam has never known real family and has been drifting for a while. Sally has always regretted giving her son away, although at the time she saw no other option. In each other, they both find comfort, joy, heartbreak and support, like they've never experienced before. But can Sally escape her guilty mind?

  • Rating


  • Director

    Saara Lamberg

  • Cast

    Jayden Denke, Mariah Mannae, Kevin Dee, Albert Goikhman, Brendan Bacon, David Farrington, Marie Werrett, Colin Donald, Saara Lamberg

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