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Undercover Wedding Crashers

Undercover Wedding Crashers

Geeky-looking Sebas is a surprisingly good classical musician. He’s also a complete unknown in the criminal underworld, and as a newbie on the police force, that makes him the perfect man for a dangerous mission: to go undercover as a keyboard player for Los Lolos, a cheesy flamenco-trap band who have been hired to play at the wedding of a local mafia boss’s daughter. 

Hijinks ensue in this fun and broad comedy that was a smash hit at the Spanish box office. 

  • Rating


  • Director

    Carlos Theron

  • Cast

    Natalia de Molina, Paco Tous, Carlos Librado "Nene", Antonio Dechent, Julian Villagran, Julian Lopez

  • Language

    Spanish (English Subtitles)

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