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The Worst Ones

The Worst Ones

A film shoot is taking place in the working class suburbs of Boulogne-Sur-Mer, in the north of France. During the casting, four teenagers, Lily, Ryan, Maylis and Jessy, are chosen to star in the film. Everyone in the neighbourhood is surprised: why only take the ‘worst ones’? 

Starring Johan Heldenbergh (Quo Vadis, Aida?, The Broken Circle Breakdown) as the aspiring social-realist filmmaker, The Worst Ones is a thought-provoking critique of the growing trend of casting non-professional actors in films, in particular non-professionals from disadvantaged communities such as the housing estate at the centre of this satirical comedy/drama. 

  • Rating


  • Director

    Lise Akoka, Romane Gueret

  • Cast

    Johan Heldenbergh, Matthias Jacquin, Dominique Frot, François Creton

  • Language

    French (English Subtitles)

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