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The Favourite (2018)

The Favourite (2018)

“[Lanthimos'] fabulously entertaining tragicomedy, The Favourite, is a juicy power tangle connecting three women in the royal court of early 18th-century England, played by a divine trio who bounce off one another with obvious relish.” — The Hollywood Reporter

Early 18th century, England is at war with France. A frail Queen Anne (played with relish by Olivia Colman) occupies the throne and her close friend Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) governs the country in her stead while tending to Anne’s ill health and mercurial temper.  When a new servant Abigail (Emma Stone) arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah. Sarah takes Abigail under her wing while Abigail sees her shot at returning to her aristocratic roots. As the protracted politics of war absorb Lady Sarah’s time, Abigail steps into the breach to fill in as the Queen’s companion, much to Sarah’s displeasure. The gloves come off and a power struggle for the queen's affection and a seat by her throne descends into backstabbing chaos and political machinations.

Lanthimos brings an anachronistic energy and manic joy to the staid period drama, offering a gleefully bitchy take on the royal throne, matched by the three powerhouse performances by actresses at the helm, including Olivia Colman who won the Oscar for her role.

Winner of Best Actress (Olivia Colman) at the Academy Awards 2019

Winner of the Grand Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival 2018

  • Rating


  • Runtime


  • Director

    Yorgos Lanthimos

  • Cast

    Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz

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