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The Conformist (1970)

The Conformist (1970)

Australian Premiere — 4K Restoration

“The Conformist isn't just a triumph, it's one of the greatest movies ever made.” — Film4

Hailed as one of the greatest films ever made, Bernardo Bertolucci’s electrifying masterpiece The Conformist screens newly restored in pristine 4K. Jean-Louis Trintignant stars as Marcello, a hollow man who is targeted by a fascist espionage organisation to lead a dangerous mission in France. Desperate to rid himself of his past, he goes to tragic pains to fit in and serve the political cause. Using his honeymoon as a cover he brings his unsuspecting new wife Giulia, played by Stefania Sandrelli, to Paris where he can carry out the assignment.

Stunningly shot by the master of light and shadow, cinematographer Vittorio Storaro, Bertolucci’s examination of the perverse heart of man is a sensual and hypnotic cinematic odyssey that begs to be seen on the big screen.

Co-presented with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Sydney.

  • Rating


  • Runtime


  • Director

    Bernardo Bertolucci

  • Language

    Italian (English subtitles)

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