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Natural Light

Natural Light

World War II, occupied Soviet Union. István Semetka is a simple Hungarian farmer who serves as a Caporal in a special unit scouting for partisan groups. On their way to a remote village, his company falls under enemy fire. As the commander is killed, Semetka has to overcome his fears and take command of the unit as he is dragged into a chaos that he cannot control. 

The debut feature film by Hungarian documentary filmmaker Dénes Nagy is a sensitive and atmospheric anti-war that was inspired by Elem Klimov’s 1985 masterpiece Come and See. However, Nagy’s slow burn drama keeps most of the atrocities understated and off-screen, instead focusing on the moral issues of complicity and personal responsibility during times of war. A strangely beautiful and disquieting film. 

  • Rating


  • Director

    Dénes Nagy

  • Cast

    Ferenc Szabó, Tamás Garbacz, László Bajkó, Gyula Franczia, Erno Stuhl, Gyula Szilágyi, Mareks Lapeskis, Krisztián Kozó, József Barta, Aivars Kuzmins, Liene Kislicka

  • Language

    Hungarian, Russian (English Subtitles)

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