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Love Boat (La petite vadrouille)

Love Boat

La petite vadrouille

Australian Premiere

French megastars Daniel Auteuil (La Belle Époque) and Sandrine Kiberlain (November) shine in this playful farce set upon a slow-drifting houseboat from director Bruno Podalydès, whose gift for depicting the foibles of daily life via absurd comedy is on display once again.

Justine, her husband, and their circle of friends find an easy solution to their money problems: they’ll organize a fake romantic cruise for Franck, a wealthy investor, take advantage of his romanticism and naivety, and extract his funds. There’s just one problem: before Justine can even suggest this plan to Franck, he proposes it first.

Justine and her reluctant husband find themselves in a hilarious game of one-upmanship as this motley crew try, and mostly fail, to deceive the clueless and amorous Franck.

  • Rating


  • Country


  • Runtime


  • Director

    Bruno Podalydès

  • Cast

    Sandrine Kiberlain, Daniel Auteuil, Denis Podalydès, Bruno Podalydès, Florence Muller, Isabelle Candelier, Jean-Noël Brouté, Dimitri Doré

  • Language

    French (English Subtitles)

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