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Latin for All (Bis Repetita)

Latin for All

Bis Repetita

Australian Premiere

Delphine makes a deal with her high school Latin class of five lazy students: if they keep quiet, they’ll all receive A grades without having to learn a thing. This ingenious plan is foiled when, unexpectedly, her class is selected to represent France at the Latin World Championships in Naples...because of their exceptional grades.

To make matters worse, the principal’s overzealous nephew Rodolphe is chosen to accompany her. To save her skin – and the future of the Latin department – they have no other choice but to win the trophy. But how to win when you’ve never studied a word of Latin? Delphine sees only one solution: cheating!

Émilie Noblet’s bright, breezy student-teacher comedy gives a lesson in hilarity, getting huge laughs from its central premise. The unexpected, opposites-attract romance between Delphine and Rodolphe gives it an A+ injection of charm, with lead Louise Bourgoin as a hugely likeable and unapologetic anti-heroine (even if her teaching style is not above board), and Xavier Lacaille as a great romantic foil.

  • Rating

    Unclassified 15+

  • Country


  • Runtime


  • Director

    Émilie Noblet

  • Cast

    Louise Bourgoin, Xavier Lacaille, Noémie Lvovsky

  • Language

    French, Latin, English, Italian (English Subtitles)

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