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France de Meurs is a star journalist running between a television set, a distant war and the hustle and bustle of her busy family life. Her frantic high-profile world is suddenly turned upside down after a traffic accident in which she injures a pedestrian. This unexpected irruption of reality calls everything into question. As France attempts to slow down and retreat into a simple anonymous life, her fame continues to pursue her until a mystified love affair seems to put an end to her quest. 

Together, writer/director Bruno Dumont (Coincoin and the Extra HumansSlack Bay) and lead actor Léa Seydoux (The French DispatchNo Time to DieBlue Is the Warmest Colour) deliver a rich and enjoyably bewildering critique of mainstream-media that alternates being heightened melodrama and screwball comedy.  

  • Rating


  • Director

    Bruno Dumont

  • Cast

    Léa Seydoux, Blanche Gardin, Benjamin Biolay

  • Language

    French (English subtitles)

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