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Finally, Sunday! (1983) (Vivement demanche!)

Finally, Sunday! (1983)

Vivement demanche!

New 4K Restoration

“…a witty and loving tribute to the American mysteries, and in particular the films of Alfred Hitchcock, which he was one of the first critics to celebrate as works of art, in the nineteen-fifties.” – The New Yorker

French acting legend Jean-Louis Trintignant (The Conformist) plays a real estate agent suspected of the double murder of his wife and her lover. As circumstantial evidence begins to mount against him, his secretary begins to conduct her own investigation to clear the name of the man she is falling in love with.

Starring the radiant Fanny Ardant, his wife at the time, Truffaut’s rarely-screened swansong is a witty tribute to American crime mysteries, and a joyful ode to the last love of his life.

Festivals & Awards

Nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the BAFTA Film Awards 1984
Nominated for Best Actress and Best Director at the César Awards 1984

Audience Rating

  • Rating


  • Country


  • Runtime


  • Director

    François Truffaut

  • Cast

    Fanny Ardant, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Philippe Laudenbach, Philippe Morier-Genoud

  • Language

    French, Albanian (English Subtitles)

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