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Bagger Drama

Bagger Drama

Australian Premiere

Director Piet Baumgartner paints a nuanced portrait of a family buckling under the weight of an enormous loss in Bagger Drama, which plays out as a touching story of change and renewal as the three protagonists, excellently portrayed by the main cast, drift towards brighter horizons.

The family in question have never spoken about feelings, love or intimacy. Their family business – renting, selling and repairing excavators – demands their full attention, and everyone must pitch in. When, suddenly, their daughter has a fatal accident, they stop functioning.

This seismic death has already occurred when we are introduced to this unremarkable clan, and we quickly begin to notice small changes creeping into their dynamic. The son looks to move to the USA rather than take over the family business, the father takes a romantic liking to his new choir director, and the mother, suddenly, finds herself alone.

Festivals & Awards

Winner of the New Directors Award at the San Sebastián Film Festival 2024

Audience Rating

  • Rating

    Unclassified 15+

  • Country


  • Runtime


  • Director

    Piet Baumgartner

  • Cast

    Bettina Stucky, Phil Hayes, Vincent Furrer

  • Language

    Swiss German (English subtitles)

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