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And The Party Goes On

And The Party Goes On

Australian premiere

In the working-class district of old Marseilles, Rosa is the heart and soul of her community, a nurse and the matriarch of a large and close-knit family. Approaching retirement and surrounded by political inertia, she is feeling disillusioned until she meets and falls in love with Henri and realises it is never too late to fulfil her own personal dreams.

Director Robert Guédiguian is back to his Marseilles roots with this warm, hopeful portrait of a woman on the cusp of something great while offering a generous and optimistic portrait of the city's multicultural community. The score is peppered with excerpts from Georges Delerues’ score for Contempt, nodding to the lasting legacy of French master Godard.

  • Rating

    Unclassified 15+

  • Runtime


  • Director

    Robert Guédiguian

  • Language

    French (English subtitles)

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